Jupiter Planetary Call #5

This Jupiter Planetary Call was chock full of information, with wins of the week prominently on display, as well as multiple LFG updates being posted. Learn more by reading below or by viewing @DigitalREIT's thread on twitter which this post uses as its source.

Jupiter Planetary Call Main Image


Growing the Pie a.k.a Wins of the Week

  1. Bad transactions, no more? The new Auto Slippage feature sets to solve this issue (still in beta).
  2. A new navigation is live on http://jup.ag. You can now access all Jupiter products from the main site. 🔥
  3. Openbook V2 Integration Rolled Out! This has been in testing for over 5 weeks now! The team is cooking 🧑‍🍳
    Read more about Openbook here: https://x.com/openbookdex/status/1720402140919648263?s=20
  4. A banger Jupiter theme song by @Doctor_Peepee was dropped. Be sure to subscribe to the Jupiter YouTube page for all new releases: https://youtube.com/@jup-ecosystem?si=FU_4kRvMlJToCobA


State of the J.U.P

@weremeow gave a brief J.U.P update mostly related to the DAO:

Main focus of DAO will be to vote on LFG projects & Grant Proposals.

Grant Proposals: Anyone will be able to make a grant proposal and they will begin to roll out very soon.


State of the J.U.P

New UI/UX updates by @0xSoju:

http://vote.jup.ag now displays voting rewards and release periods. First rewards will be released in July!

Rewards will go directly into staking account. Also, sounds like the partial unstake feature is coming...


State of the J.U.P

@degenasianmom reiterated how much effort went into securing J.U.P funds. TL;DR funds are safe via multisig. Multisig structure here:


Also, @Coincoverglobal is now an external signer of the multisig. More info below 👇


J.U.P. Partners Spotlight

Who is Coincover?

They protect the funds for the biggest names in crypto including Fireblocks, BitGo, Leddger, Squads, and now Jupiter!

Bonus: Coincover is underwritten by Lloyds of London to insure funds against loss.This is HUGE!


LFG Update

Alpha: Justin @dappiokeeper of @ZeusNetworkHQ joined the call and dropped some heat.

  1. Zeus launch date is on April 4 (4.4), at 3PM UTC.
  2. J.U.P stakers that voted in the 1st round will receive additional $Zeus tokens. Amount TBD.
  3. Voters will receive Chad...


LFG Update

@SlorgoftheSlugs assured the community that their voice is being heard as it relates to the 1st round of voting and constructive feedback received.

The WG's would like another two voting cycles to occur before making any changes to the current structure.


Cadet Corner

@scarletsynth was the featured Cadet. Go and give him a follow. He is a die-hard community member.



Again last week there was not a POAP #4. Scammers have posted a fake on Tensor so beware.

This week's POAP did not disappoint. Hopefully, you got yours... These are a part of J.U.P history!